Transform Vue.js into static HTML output

Is there a way to convert a Vue.js component into static html without the need for javascript? I am specifically interested in retaining styles. I am searching for a library where I can execute code similar to this:


  <div class="world">

<style lang="scss">
.world {
  background: blue;

const vueComponent = `
  <div class="hello">Hello!</div>
  <SomeNextedComponent />

<style lang="scss">
.hello {
  background: red;

const staticHtml = compileVueComponent(vueComponent)


  <div style="background: red;">Hello!</div>
  <div style="background: blue;">World!</div>

Answer №1

There are no real advantages to using Vue in email templates, and it may even complicate things unnecessarily.

If you need to create dynamic views with backend data, it's better to use EJS, Jinja, pug, or another backend templating language. These options can handle dynamic rendering, looping through lists, styling with CSS, and all the necessary features for creating email templates.

This video might also provide some helpful insights (although I haven't watched it myself):

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