Setting line height as a pixel value does not yield the desired result

//ensure line-height is correctly assigned
if($(element).is('p') && _.isString(options.css['line-height'])){

  console.log('line-height assigned: '+ options.css['line-height'] + ' , and now = ' + $(element).css('line-height'))



line-height assigned: 15px, and now = normal
line-height assigned: 15px, and now = normal 
line-height assigned: 15px, and now = normal 
line-height assigned: 15px, and now = normal 
line-height assigned: 15px, and now = normal 
line-height assigned: 33px, and now = normal 

Why can't I set line-height in pixels....

Check out the jsfiddle (which works fine):

I'm not sure what's wrong with my code, but something seems off... any ideas?

EDIT: options.css, options.attr, and options.class are all OBJECTS. There are no errors in my code. Removing options.attr and options.class doesn't change anything. Here's the console log from options.css

Object {line-height: "15px", width: 87, height: 15, font: "11px arial", color: "#FFFFFF"…}
color: "#FFFFFF"
display: "none"
font: "11px arial"
font-weight: 400
height: 15
line-height: "15px"
pointer-events: "none"
text-align: "center"
width: 87
__proto__: Object

line-height assigned: 15px, and now = normal 
Object {line-height: "15px", width: 87, height: 15, font: "11px arial", color: "#FFFFFF"…}
color: "#FFFFFF"
display: "none"
font: "11px arial"
font-weight: 400
height: 15
line-height: "15px"
pointer-events: "none"
text-align: "center"
width: 87
__proto__: Object
line-height assigned: 15px, and now = normal
Object {line-height: "15px", width: 87, height: 15, font: "11px arial", color: "#FFFFFF"…}
color: "#FFFFFF"
display: "none"
font: "11px arial"
font-weight: 400
height: 15
line-height: "15px"
pointer-events: "none"
text-align: "center"
width: 87
__proto__: Object

line-height assigned: 15px, and now = normal 


EDIT: running after window.load

Answer №1

When utilizing jQuery's .css() as a setter, make sure to provide it with an Object instead of an Array. Your choices should be structured like this:

choices = {
  css: {
    'font-size': '16px'

For more information, refer to the jQuery documentation here:

Here is a simplified fiddle showcasing your options.css:

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