Ways to alter the color of an icon when hovering over it

Is there a way to change the color of a material icon inside an IconButton material component when hovering over the IconButton? I've tried adding a class directly to the icon, but it only works when hovering over the icon itself and not the IconButton.

Here's my code snippet:

<IconButton className="add-icon-btn" onClick={toggleNominationForm}>
  {!showForm ? <AddBoxIcon /> : <IndeterminateCheckBoxIcon /> }


Answer №1

Behold, a comprehensive example is presented below in the hopes that it will effectively address your issue:

import React from 'react'
import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles'
import IconButton from '@material-ui/core/IconButton'
import AddBoxIcon from '@material-ui/icons/AddBox'
import IndeterminateCheckBoxIcon from '@material-ui/icons/IndeterminateCheckBox'

export default () => {

    const [showForm, setShowForm] = React.useState(false)
    const classes = useClasses()

    return (
                root: classes.iconContainer
                ? <AddBoxIcon className={classes.icon}/>
                : <IndeterminateCheckBoxIcon className={classes.icon}/>

const useClasses = makeStyles(theme => ({
    iconContainer: {
        "&:hover $icon": {
            color: 'red',
    icon: {
        color: 'blue',

Answer №2

You have the option to utilize the following attribute

sx={{ "&:hover": { color: "blue" } }}
              aria-label="display 17 new notifications"
              sx={{ "&:hover": { color: "blue" } }}
              <Badge badgeContent={17} color="primary">
                <LayersIcon />

Answer №3

To create a hover effect, you may consider implementing a hover state using the onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave events for the outer icon. Then, based on this condition, style the inner icon accordingly. This approach is inspired by a response found in this thread. Therefore, I am marking my solution as CW.

  onMouseEnter={() => {
  onMouseLeave={() => {
  {!showForm ? (
    <AddBoxIcon style={{ backgroundColor: hover ? "blue" : "yellow" }} />
  ) : (
    <IndeterminateCheckBoxIcon />

Answer №4

To enhance your design, consider including the following CSS rule:

.IconButton:hover .Iconclass {
  background-color: /*chosen color*/;

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