Managing Custom CSS Files in Sencha Touch 2 Production Build

Currently, I am in the process of working on a mobile website using Sencha Touch 2. To develop the production build, I utilized Sencha Cmd v3. Upon testing the production version, I noticed that although my custom CSS files are present in the folder structure, the custom styles do not seem to be applied to the UI elements.

I should note that SASS/COMPASS are not being used in this particular application. Can anyone offer insights or suggestions on where things may have gone awry or if there is something crucial that I overlooked? Do custom CSS files need special treatment during the creation of the production build? Is it necessary to include references to these custom CSS files in the app.json when generating the production build? Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Answer №1

Simply include the reference in the app.json document, following the app.css file.

         * The list of CSS resources must be included in the correct sequence.
         * Each entry should follow this format:
         *      {
         *          "path": "path/to/item.css" // Relative path to this app.json file
         *          "update": "delta"          // (Optional)
         *                                     // - If not specified, this file will only load once and remain cached in localStorage until changed
         *                                     //  - Set to either "delta" for over-the-air delta updates or "full" for full updates when file changes occur
         *      }

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