Make the inner div within the td stretch to cover the entire height of the td

Inside the first tds, there is dynamic text content that automatically expands the trs and tds. However, the second tds have a div with a background image but no text inside. I want these divs with background images to expand or collapse along with the table cells, so that the red image spans over the height of each cell. Is there a way to achieve this purely with CSS without using scripts? Check out this jsfiddle for reference.

       <table border="1">
                  This content makes the trs and tds to expand/contract horizontally   automatically
                  <div class="img"></div>
                                  All  divs inside second tds should get expanded automatically which is not happening



background: url() no-repeat;}

Answer №1

To create a background for the td element, you can simply set the width and height to 100%.

Check out this Fiddle example:

background: url() no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;

Sample HTML:

<td class="empty">


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