Using an HTML element to pass a variable into a replace function

I am looking to highlight a 'SearchString' by replacing it with

<span style="background-color: yellow">SearchString</span>
within a targetString.

The SearchString varies, so I am wondering how I can make this happen.

This is what I have attempted so far -

var applyHighlighting = function (highlightableElements, productFilterKeyword) {
for(var i =0; i< highlightableElements.length; i++){
    var regexp = new RegExp(productFilterKeyword, 'ig');
    var replaceKeyWord = highlightableElements[i].innerHTML.match(regexp);
    highlightableElements[i].innerHTML = highlightableElements[i].innerHTML.replace(regexp, '<span style="background-color: yellow">replaceKeyWord</span>');

Answer №1

If you want to use `$&` in your replacement regex, follow this code snippet:

highlightableElements[i].innerHTML = highlightableElements[i].innerHTML.replace(regexp, '<span style="background-color: yellow">$&</span>');

For more detailed information, visit:

Take a look at this practical example which also stores the original string (an important detail):

var highlightableElements = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < highlightableElements.length; i++) {
  highlightableElements[i].origHTML = highlightableElements[i].innerHTML
var applyHighlighting = function(specificKeyword) {
  for (var i = 0; i < highlightableElements.length; i++) {
    highlightableElements[i].innerHTML = highlightableElements[i].origHTML;
    var regexp = new RegExp(specificKeyword, 'ig');
    highlightableElements[i].innerHTML = highlightableElements[i].innerHTML.replace(regexp, '<span style="background-color: yellow">$&</span>');
<input onkeyup="applyHighlighting(this.value)">
<div>Some example text here</div>
<div>Another sample HERE</div>

Answer №2

The issue lies in your replacement string where a variable is used inside it instead of the actual value of the variable. To fix this problem, modify your code as follows:

    highlightableElements[i].innerHTML = highlightableElements[i].innerHTML.replace(regexp, '<span style="background-color: yellow">' + replaceKeyWord + '</span>');

By making this change, you should be able to resolve any existing problems.

To simplify the code further, you can refactor it like so:

var applyHighlighting = function (highlightableElements, productFilterKeyword) {
for(var i =0; i< highlightableElements.length; i++){
    var regexp = new RegExp(productFilterKeyword, 'ig');
    highlightableElements[i].innerHTML = highlightableElements[i].innerHTML.replace(regexp, '<span style="background-color: yellow">' + productFilterKeyword + '</span>');

If the aim is just to add HTML styling around an existing word, there's no need to complicate by calculating a replacement keyword.

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