Ensure the Next/Image component fits neatly inside a div without distorting its aspect ratio, and keep the

I've been attempting to style a NextJS image in a way that it has rounded corners, expands to fit its container div (which is blue in the image), and maintains its aspect ratio (only known at runtime). However, what I currently have is not working as expected - the image does not receive the border-radius, but rather the surrounding box (depicted in black on the image) receives it. I'm struggling to find a solution that allows the dynamic image size while still applying the border radius. Another factor to consider is that all of this is happening within a fixed-positioned div (shown in red on the image) that encompasses the entire popup.


I've tested the code snippet below based on recommendations from other sources, and although it almost works, the issue remains with the image not getting the desired rounded corners because the box around it is larger than the content, resulting in rounding the box instead of the image itself.

{/* Card that shows on click */}
            <div className='fixed z-10 w-full h-full left-0 top-0 invisible bg-black/[.6]' id={'hidden-card-' + title} onClick={hideEnlargement}>
                <div className='w-[80%] h-[80%] translate-x-[calc(50vw-50%)] translate-y-[calc(50vh-60%)] rounded-2xl'>
                        className="rounded-2xl bg-black m-auto"
                        style={{"objectFit" : "contain"}}


Answer №1

Here are some simple adjustments to make this code work:

  1. Replace w-full h-full left-0 top-0 with inset-0 for brevity. This sets all margins to 0.
  2. In the wrapper div for your image, round the corners and set overflow to hidden. Remove the translate-x class as well. Use h-3/4 and w-3/4 for 75% width and height.
  3. Set your image's height and width to 100% with an object-fit of cover. Cover fills the space without cropping, while fill will crop the image if necessary.
  className="fixed inset-0 z-10 bg-black/[.6]"
  id={'hidden-card-' + title}
  <div className="rounded-2xl overflow-hidden h-3/4 w-3/4 m-auto translate-y-[calc(50vh-50%)]">
    className="bg-black w-full h-full object-cover"

Check out the Stackblitz demo


To prevent cropping and maintain rounded corners and aspect ratio, pass width and height properties to the Next/Image component. Otherwise, set the fill prop to true.

The fill prop absolutely positions the image, eliminating natural flow. To avoid this, provide image dimensions in the props.

Below is an example modal structure:

// Assuming you pass props with img containing
// src, alt, width, and height
  className="fixed inset-0 z-10 bg-black/[.6] grid place-content-center"
    className="max-w-[95vw] max-h-[95vh] rounded-2xl animate-bounceIn"

This approach centers everything using grid place-content-center. No need for extra transformations or margins. Set max-width and max-height to constrain the image within the viewport. However, disparity between actual size and constrained size may occur. Using object-fit: contain can fix this, albeit at the cost of losing rounded corners.

You could alternatively manually optimize images and use img or picture tags.

Explore the new Stackblitz Demo

The updated demo includes various images with different dimensions. Data structure is shown in the pages/api/images.js file. The new "modal" component is located in the `pages/components/Modal.js file.

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