Looking for assistance with a CSS selector in jQuery

I am working with a WordPress blog that has multiple pages with dropdown subpages on hover. However, I only want the main pages to have links, not the subpages. To achieve this, I am using some basic JavaScript.

   jQuery("#menus > li > a").attr("href","#");

The current script selects every anchor tag, but I need it to target only the main pages. Here is the HTML structure for reference:

Here's an explanation:

The structure includes an unordered list (ul) with list items (li) containing anchor tags. If a list item also contains another unordered list (ul), those are subpages that appear on hover. Therefore, the anchor in the initial list item should have a href of "#", while other anchors should keep their existing href.

    <ul id="menus">
        <a href="somelink">Main Page</a> // href should be changed to #
              <a href="somelink2/">Subpage1</a>
              <a href="somelink3">Subpage2</a>
        <a href="somelink">MainPage-with-no-subpages</a> // href should not be changed
        <a href="somelink4">MainPage</a> // href should be changed to #
            <a href="somelink5">Subpage</a>
            <a href="somelink6">Subpage</a>

Answer №1


   jQuery("#menus li > ul").siblings('a').attr("href","#");

Answer №2

Here is a solution that may meet your needs:

When the document is ready, this jQuery code will make it so that any anchor element within an unordered list item that contains a nested unordered list will have its href attribute set to "#":
   jQuery("#menus li:has(ul) > a").attr("href","#");

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