Learn how to customize an anchor tag in React to appear as a tile that remains highlighted when clicked

I am trying to style the anchor tag to appear as a rectangular tile (which is already in progress). When the tile/anchor tag is clicked, I need it to do the following two things:

  1. Remain selected and highlight with a green color.
  2. Upon selection or change between TILE-1, TILE-2, and TILE-3, I need to retrieve the value of the text in the input field.

Could someone provide guidelines on how to achieve this, please?

 const showTile = (): ReactElement => {
      <ul className="tileList">
          <button href="#Tile1" class="tile" >
          </button >
          <button  href="#Tile2" class="tile">
          </button >
          <button  href="#Tile3" class="tile">
          </button >

  const showTextBox = (): ReactElement => {
  <input type="text" value="">

 const [selectedTile, setSelectedTile] = useState("");
 const [textVal, setTextVal] = useState("");
  return (<div> {showTile} {showTextBox} </div>);
li {
  list-style: none;

.tileList > li button  {
  color: grey;
  background-colour: yellow;
  border: 1px solid #ffffff;
  padding: 10px 15px;
  font-size: 13px;

Answer №1

Implement a dynamic class for the chosen tie and assign it to a variable. To change its value, create a 2D array and store the tie values within it. Then, develop a straightforward function to alter the tie values. This concept resembles a puzzle application; explore puzzle functions for further insight.

Answer №2

This is the method I used to solve it.

state ={
  selected: false

selectedHandle = () => {
 const {selected} = this.state
   this.setState({selected: true})

        <li onClick={() => this.selectedHandle()}>
          <a href="#Tile1"  class={{selected === true ? "active" : "passive"}} >

If you need help accessing the value, check out this question how to use event.target.value in li

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