Struggling to close the dropdown with jquery

Check out this code snippet:

The jQuery section below is causing some trouble:

$(document).ready(function(e) {

        $(".sub-handle").click(function() {


I'm having difficulty removing a class with this code. It might be a small issue as I am new to jquery. Any assistance and explanation would be highly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

You were looking at the wrong element to find the class. I made sure to include the necessary code to remove the classes when the menu is closed.

$(".sub-link").click(function() {
    if(!$('.submenu').hasClass('showing-sub')){ //class is not present, so add it and display dropdowns with specific backgrounds
    } else { //if class exists, it means it was clicked again

I have made modifications to your code, accessible here.

Answer №2

There is an incorrect condition in your jQuery code:

The correct conditions should be:




Here are the examples to check: Example 1 and Example 2

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