Layering an HTML page on top of another

I am trying to display one HTML page on top of another. I attempted to link the other page within a div, following the example on this page:

However, when clicked, the control navigates to the linked page instead of overlaying it on the current page. Can someone provide an example of how to load a new HTML page on top of the main one? I am still learning about web development and would appreciate any assistance!

Answer №1


In order to avoid security issues, I have utilized an iframe to load another page. However, if you are fetching a page from the same domain, you can achieve similar functionality using jQuery's load method within a div element.


Keep in mind that this demo is not a one-size-fits-all solution. You will need to customize the CSS part based on your specific pages.

Answer №2

Creating the functionality you desire using only basic HTML is not feasible. However, one possible solution involves loading an HTML page into an existing div and then transitioning between different pages within that div using animations.

To achieve this, you would need to utilize a JavaScript HTML templating system like handlebars to switch between templates. This approach would require a solid understanding of JavaScript and involve setting up a JS router for seamless navigation between pages. Ultimately, this setup would transform your project into a Single Page Application (SPA).

I recommend researching more about Single Page Applications to gain a better understanding of how to implement this feature. You can start by searching for resources on "building single page apps" to get started.

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