React default class name ... Before conditional operator takes effect

import './App.css'
import {Button} from "antd"

    istrue === "itstrue" ? "trueclass" : "trueclass active"

Is there a way to establish a default className for the button to start with, since

const [istrue, setIsTrue] = useState(["itstrue"]);
seems to be ineffective. Although it initializes with 'itstrue' state, the button always begins in the non-active state. I want it to start with the active state.

Any assistance on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Answer №1

To define conditional class names in React, use the following syntax:

className={"trueclass " + (!itstrue ? 'active' : '')}

With this approach, the trueclass will always be applied, regardless of the condition, while the class active will only be applied when itstrue evaluates to false.

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