Iterating over an array and displaying elements on the webpage

Struggling to access an array and loop through it, but only able to print out one element instead of all. Need a hint on how to solve this issue.

See my code below:

let toppingsCount;
const burger = document.createElement('div');
const toppingsDiv = document.createElement('div');
const condiments = ['Ketchup', 'Mustard', 'Relish']
const condimentsNewDiv = document.createElement('div');

function createBurger(condiments){
    burger.className = 'burger';
    toppingsDiv.className = "toppings";
    condimentsNewDiv.className = "condiments";
    for(let toppingsCount = 0; toppingsCount != condiments.length ; toppingsCount++){
        toppingsDiv.appendChild(condimentsNewDiv).textContent = condiments[toppingsCount];



Inserted a console.log(condimentsNewDiv); inside the loop to check each condiment. However, it repeated "Relish" 3 times instead of printing out all three elements as expected:

<div class="condiments">Ketchup</div>
<div class="condiments">Mustard</div>
<div class="condiments">Relish</div>

Answer №1

It appears that you may be relying on the condimentsNewDiv element repeatedly instead of generating a fresh div for each condiment. By doing so, you are essentially replacing the textContent with each iteration.

To address this issue, consider implementing the following approach:

let toppingsCount;
const burger = document.createElement('div');
const toppingsDiv = document.createElement('div');
const condiments = ['Ketchup', 'Mustard', 'Relish'];

function createBurger(condimentsList){
    burger.className = 'burger';
    toppingsDiv.className = "toppings";
    for(let toppingsCount = 0; toppingsCount != condimentsList.length ; toppingsCount++){
        const condimentsNewDiv = document.createElement('div');
        condimentsNewDiv.className = "condiments";
        toppingsDiv.appendChild(condimentsNewDiv).textContent = condimentsList[toppingsCount];




By creating a distinct div for each condiment, we avoid reusing the same element unnecessarily.

Answer №2

Check out this functional demo:

let findElementById = (id) => document.querySelector(`#${id}`);

let dataStorage = [{
  id : 1,
  name : "abc",
  id : 2,
  name : "some",

function generateTemplate(array) {
  let htmlString = ``;
  for(let item of array){
    //creating dynamic html template 
    htmlString += `
        <h2 id=${}>${}</h2>
  return htmlString;
//trigger when page loads
window.onload = () => findElementById("demo").innerHTML = generateTemplate(dataStorage);

let addNewElement = () => {
  const generatedId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
 //add new data entry
    id : generatedId,
    name : `newest element ${generatedId}`
  //update the DOM by recreating the template
   findElementById("demo").innerHTML = generateTemplate(dataStorage);
<button onclick="addNewElement()">Add one more element</button>;

<div id="demo"></div>

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