Variations in CSS Stylesheets for Various Parts of the Body

Currently, I am in the process of creating a single page website. One issue that I have encountered is needing a Bootstrap "modal" class popup to appear when a button is clicked. However, the template I am utilizing was designed using Bootstrap Version 1, and I require the "modal" popup to be built with Bootstrap v3. Is there a method available that would allow me to integrate Bootstrap v3 specifically for this portion of the html body?

Whenever I attempt to include the link reference to Bootstrap v3 at the beginning of the page, the template becomes disorganized and messy. I am seeking assistance with resolving this dilemma...

Answer №1

Most effective option, although not universally compatible

While this method may not work on all web browsers, you can try the following:

<style scoped>
@import url("bootstrap-3.css");

Insert this code snippet into the modal container <div>.

A more widely supported alternative

Simply transition to using the modal component from bootstrap 3 and eliminate any references to the bootstrap 1 modal component (in the css).

Another alternative for broader compatibility

Revise your template based on bootstrap-3 for a solution that works across various browsers.

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