rendering google charts using jade template

I am facing an issue while trying to display a google annotated chart on my jade project. I managed to successfully load a pie chart, but I am having trouble rendering a chart that requires the container element size to be explicitly defined.

You can find the example from Google here

Here's how I translated it into Jade (my code)

    google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['annotatedtimeline']});
    function drawChart() {
      var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
      data.addColumn('date', 'Date');
      data.addColumn('number', 'Sold Pencils');
      data.addColumn('string', 'title1');
      data.addColumn('string', 'text1');
      data.addColumn('number', 'Sold Pens');
      data.addColumn('string', 'title2');
      data.addColumn('string', 'text2');
      [new Date(2008, 1 ,1), 30000, undefined, undefined, 40645, undefined, undefined],
      [new Date(2008, 1 ,2), 14045, undefined, undefined, 20374, undefined, undefined],
      [new Date(2008, 1 ,3), 55022, undefined, undefined, 50766, undefined, undefined],
      [new Date(2008, 1 ,4), 75284, undefined, undefined, 14334, 'Out of Stock','Ran out of stock on pens at 4pm'],
      [new Date(2008, 1 ,5), 41476, 'Bought Pens','Bought 200k pens', 66467, undefined, undefined],
      [new Date(2008, 1 ,6), 33322, undefined, undefined, 39463, undefined, undefined]
    var chart = new google.visualization.AnnotatedTimeLine(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
    chart.draw(data, {displayAnnotations: true});
    a(href='/') Index

*Additionally, here is the CSS I used in my project (loaded through express layout.jade file, note the blue background for chart_div)*

body {
  padding: 50px;
  font: 14px "Lucida Grande", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

a {
  color: #00B7FF;

#chart_div {
    background-color: #00B7FF;
    width: 700px;
    height: 240px;

Answer №1

It seems the problem was caused by prematurely closing my plotting function.

The curly brace } should be placed after chart.draw, not immediately after adding the data.

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