What is the complete pathway in CSS?

Consider this scenario: within my CSS file, there is a line of code used to display an image - specifically, a label icon located in the sidebar.


However, due to its relative path, at times the image fails to load when accessing certain pages.

Here are two examples, one where the image loads successfully and another where it does not:


How can this issue be resolved without relocating the image to the root project folder? It's worth noting that I am utilizing CodeIgniter 2.0 for this project. In PHP, I typically reference the full path of an image file to avoid similar problems.


Given that CSS file URLs are dependent on the location of the CSS file itself, and considering that my CSS loads correctly while the problem arises only with URLs containing parameters (as seen in example 2), it seems likely that this issue pertains more to CodeIgniter than the CSS file.

Answer №1

It's all about ensuring your page headers accurately point to the CSS file location or declaring the root and subfolders for your CSS files. Simple as that!

Answer №3

When working with a CSS file, it's important to remember that URLs are relative to the location of the CSS file itself.

For example, if your CSS file is located in a directory called /.../css, and your images are in a separate directory called /.../assets, the image paths should be valid from the CSS file so that the images can load properly.

If you're experiencing issues with the CSS not loading, make sure you're using either absolute or root-relative addresses for your CSS files. Alternatively, you can consider adding a base tag to your HTML file, which will affect all href and src attributes on the page.

I once faced a similar problem with URLs like the ones you're describing, but using the base tag helped me solve the issue effectively.

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