How can I modify the table structure in Ruby on Rails?

Greetings! I am a beginner in the world of Rails and could really use some assistance.

Below is the table data extracted from index.html.erb:

<table class="table">                         
  <%@a1s.each do |ada| %>


I am looking for guidance on how to transform the index.html.erb table into the example converted table below:

  1. Convert year data as headers and display their respective values.
  2. Show Item and Area names once, followed by the next country in the subsequent row.

example converted table

Answer №1

Display the year data in a header format along with their corresponding values.

If you want to retrieve a list of all years included in the data, you can achieve this by using:

The names of Items and Areas should be displayed, followed by the respective country in the next row.

I recommend utilizing .group_by to structure the data for each row within the table.

<%@a1s.group_by(&:Area).each do |area, adas_in_area| %>
  <%adas_in_area.group_by(&:Item).each do |item, adas_in_area_for_item| %>
      # TODO -- You need to determine the value for each year here :)

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