Issues with Vue enter transitions not functioning as expected

I am currently involved in a project where I need to implement enter and exit animations for some components. When a component enters the screen, it should come from the bottom, and when it leaves, it should go upwards. The intended functionality is that when I change the :is property of the component tag, the current component moves upwards while the next one comes from the bottom. Here is a snippet of the code:

  <div class="home">
    <transition name="section">
      <component :is="activeSection"></component>

import comp1 from './comp1';
import comp2 from './comp2';

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    activeSection: 'comp1'

<style scoped>
  .section-enter {
    top: 100vh;
  .section-enter-to {
    top: 0vh;
  .section-enter-active {
    animation-name: 'slideIn';
    animation-duration: 1s;
  .section-leave {
    top: 0vh;
  .section-leave-active {
    animation-name: 'slideOut';
    animation-duration: 1s;
  .section-leave-to {
    top: -100vh;

  @keyframes slideIn {
    from {
      top: 100vh;
    to {
      top: 0

  @keyframes slideOut {
    from {
      top: 0vh;
    to {
      top: -100vh;

However, the issue I'm facing is that the first component slides upwards, but the second one appears immediately without any animation.

If I render one component at a time (rather than replacing one with another using the same action), everything works perfectly fine. I am perplexed about what might be causing this inconsistency in behavior.

Answer №1

Your CSS has a few issues that need to be addressed.

Explaining CSS Transitions and Animations

It's important to understand the distinction between CSS Transitions and CSS Animations. Your current implementation mixes these concepts incorrectly, causing problems in your code.

The keyframes for the `slideIn` animation along with the `.section-enter` and `.section-enter-to` rules essentially perform the same function of transitioning the `.section` into view. However, without a transition rule specifying a time duration, the change happens instantaneously rather than animating smoothly. This same issue applies to the `slideOut` keyframes and `leave` rules as well.

.section-enter {
  top: 100vh;
.section-enter-to {
  top: 0;
.section-enter-active {
  transition: .5s; /* Make sure this rule is included */

.section-leave {
  top: 0;
.section-leave-to {
  top: -100vh;
.section-leave-active {
  transition: .5s; /* Ensure this rule is present */

To fix the problem, remove the keyframes and add the missing rules mentioned above to enable a functional CSS Transition.

Check out demo 1

Utilizing CSS Animations

An alternative approach involves using keyframes in conjunction with CSS Animations, where animations are applied via the `*-active` rules only without the need for `*-enter` / `*-leave` rules. Note that unnecessary quotes within the `animation-name: 'slideIn';` statement in your question would lead to invalid syntax and no animation taking place. Simplify it by using the shorthand `animation: slideIn 1s;` as shown below.

.section-enter-active {
  animation: slideIn 1s;
.section-leave-active {
  animation: slideOut 1s;

@keyframes slideIn {
  from {
    top: 100vh;
  to {
    top: 0;
@keyframes slideOut {
  from {
    top: 0;
  to {
    top: -100vh;

View demo 2 here

Tips on Optimizing CSS Transitions

For better animation performance, consider modifying your approach by utilizing translateY instead of transitioning the `top` property. This can lead to improved efficiency in your animations.

/* Assuming initial value of 'top' in .wrapper is 0 */

.section-enter-active {
  transition: .5s;
.section-enter {
  transform: translateY(100%);
.section-leave-to {
  transform: translateY(-100%);

Explore demo 3 for reference

Answer №2

Implement a Mixin for Animation

A big thank you to @tony19 for the insightful explanation.
To simplify the process of repeating logic, it is recommended to utilize a mixin.
Additionally, the functionality of slideIn and slideOut can be consolidated by employing the reverse method:

@mixin animationmixin($type:'animation', $style:'', $duration:1s) {
    @keyframes #{$type}-#{$style} { // define animation
        0% { opacity: 1;  transform: none; } // reset style
        100% { @content; } // custom style
    .#{$style} { // append '.section'
        &-enter-active, &-leave-active { // include '.section-enter-active', ...
            transition: #{$duration};
        &-enter, &-leave-to {
            animation: #{$type}-#{$style} #{$duration}; // apply animation
        &-leave, &-enter-to {
            animation: #{$type}-#{$style} #{$duration} reverse; // use reverse animation 

To implement, follow these steps:

@include animationmixin($style:'section') { // specify custom styling
    transform: translateY(100%);

Or try this approach:

@include animationmixin($style:'fade') {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale(0.9);

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