Learning how to utilize localStorage in conjunction with a color picker to modify the --var of :root

After spending an entire afternoon on my JavaScript issue as a beginner, I have a specific goal in mind: allowing the user to select and change the main color of the page.

To implement this, I inserted a color picker in my HTML:

<input type="color" id="colorID" oninput="changeColor()">

I then found this code online:

// When input changes, store value as 'storedValue'
function changeColor() {
  var userColor = document.getElementById('colorID').value;
  localStorage.setItem('storedValue', document.body.style.backgroundColor = userColor);

// If there is a stored value, update color picker and background color
if(localStorage.storedValue) {
  document.getElementById('colorID').value = localStorage.storedValue;
  document.body.style.backgroundColor = localStorage.storedValue;

My aim was to replace "document.body.style.backgroundColor" with my --main-color: #fff; from :root. Despite trying various alternatives like using document.documentElement, nothing seemed to do the trick!

Answer №1

Check out this solution:

// Creating a function that runs immediately after the page loads
  document.getElementById('colorID').value = localStorage.storedValue;
  document.querySelector(':root').style.setProperty('--main-color', userColor) = localStorage.storedValue;

// This function changes the color based on user input and saves it
function changeColor() {
      var userColor = document.getElementById('colorID').value;
      localStorage.setItem('storedValue', document.querySelector(':root').style.setProperty('--main-color', userColor));
    // If there is a stored value, update color picker and background color accordingly
    if(localStorage.storedValue) {
      document.getElementById('colorID').value = localStorage.storedValue;
      document.querySelector(':root').style.setProperty('--main-color', userColor) = localStorage.storedValue;

Answer №2

Trying to retrieve a value from local storage using this code is incorrect:

function changeColor() {
      var userColor = document.getElementById('colorID').value;
localStorage.setItem('storedValue', document.body.style.backgroundColor = userColor);
    if(localStorage.storedValue) {
        document.getElementById('colorID').value = localStorage.storedValue;
        document.body.style.backgroundColor      = localStorage.storedValue;

The correct way to access stored values in local storage is as follows:

 function changeColor() {
          var userColor = document.getElementById('colorID').value;
          localStorage.setItem('storedValue', userColor);
        if(localStorage.getItem("storedValue")) {
             let storedValue=localStorage.getItem("storedValue");
             document.getElementById('colorID').value = storedValue;
             document.body.style.backgroundColor      = storedValue;

Answer №3

A key aspect to keep in mind is that writing/reading data in the local/session storage requires the use of stringify/parse methods:

// Embed a hidden input in your HTML file
<input type="hidden" value="your_css_variable_value" id="myId"/>

// Access the element in your JS file and retrieve its value
const bgColor = document.querySelector('#myId').value;

// When there's an input, capture it as 'storedValue'
function changeColor() {
  var userColor = document.getElementById('colorID').value;
  document.body.style.backgroundColor      = userColor;
  localStorage.setItem('storedValue', JSON.stringify(userColor));

// If there's a stored value, update the color picker and background color accordingly
if (localStorage.getItem('storedValue')) {
  const savedColor = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('storedValue'));
  document.getElementById('colorID').value = savedColor;
  document.body.style.backgroundColor      = savedColor;

Answer №4

Just wanted to give an update on this thread and express my gratitude for all the responses.

In my initial question, I provided an example that confused some individuals. Here is the actual task at hand:

// Capture input value and store it as 'storedValue'
function changeColor() {
  var userColor = document.getElementById('colorID').value;
  localStorage.setItem('storedValue', document.querySelector(':root').style.setProperty('--main-color', userColor));

// If a value is stored, update color picker and background color
if(localStorage.storedValue) {
  document.getElementById('colorID').value = localStorage.storedValue;
  document.querySelector(':root').style.setProperty('--main-color', userColor) = localStorage.storedValue;

The current issue I'm facing is that the data doesn't persist when I refresh the page. I feel like I'm so close to getting it right! What adjustments should I make to get this code functioning properly?

Answer №5

Give this a shot:

inputColor.addEventListener("input", changeColor, false);

function changeColor() {
  var userColor = document.getElementById('colorID').value;
  localStorage.setItem('storedValue', JSON.stringify(userColor));

    // check if there is a stored value and update color picker and background color
if (localStorage.getItem('storedValue')) {
  const savedColor = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('storedValue'));
  document.body.style.backgroundColor      = savedColor;

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