Navigate within a single component on the Stack by scrolling

I'm a huge fan of CSS!

Although it may seem like a simple task, I am completely stumped on how to tackle it.

Mission: My goal is to enable scrolling only within the List section without affecting the entire page.

Here's the structure of my page:

    <Box>Header</Box> // static height
    <Box>Content</Box> // dynamic height
    <List sx={{ overflow: 'auto', pb: '50px' }}> // dynamic height, need scroll only here
        <ListItemText>Lorem Ipsum #1</ListItemText>
             // ... more Lorem
        <ListItemText>LAST LAST</ListItemText>

Answer №1

Due to the dynamic nature of the content height, targeting it with CSS poses a challenge. One approach is to convert your root container into a flex box, set its height to 100vh, apply flex: 1 to your content, fix the height: var(--header-height) for the header, specify fixed heights for the header and navbar, and use

flex-shrink: 1; flex-basis: var(--minimum-list-height);
for the list. However, this setup may cause overflow issues when the content exceeds one page, pushing the list out if not contained, necessitating setting flex-grow: 0.

A more effective solution involves allowing the list to stretch to fill the screen as needed while keeping the content size in check. Initially, set fixed height on the list until the content grows, then adjust heights accordingly. Once again, utilize a flex box layout for the root container, establish fixed height for the header, apply

flex: 1 0 var(--minimum-content-height)
to the content, and
flex: 1 0 var(--minimum-list-height)
to the list to manage size discrepancies effectively. When the content surpasses a certain threshold, use scripting to maintain list height and restrict growth with flex-grow: 0.

The transition point where you switch height rules for the list occurs at:

content_height + header_height + (others including navbar) > viewport_height - minimum_allowed_list_height

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