What's the most effective method for implementing a stylesheet through Javascript in a style switcher?

I've been tackling the challenge of creating a style switcher for my website. Through utilizing .append() and if and else statements, I managed to make it work successfully. Take a look at the code below:


<select name="active_style" id="lol" class="dropdownselect" >
    <option value="default" selected="selected">Default</option>
    <option value="dark" selected="selected">Dark</option>


$(document).ready(function() {

    var item = window.localStorage.getItem('active_style');

    $('select[name=active_style]').change(function() {
       window.localStorage.setItem('active_style', $(this).val());

    if (item == "dark") {
        $("head").append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" id="gdgt-dark" href="LINK");

While the current setup functions properly, it has a slight drawback. Upon page load, there is a delay in loading the CSS which leads to a momentary display of the default styling to the user. Is there a more efficient way to preload the CSS before rendering the page for a quicker and smoother experience?

Your insights and assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Avoid utilizing jQuery in this situation as it may take longer to load. Using pure JS will result in a faster execution:

var header= document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var newLink = document.createElement('link');
newLink.type= 'text/css';
newLink.rel= 'stylesheet';
newLink.href= 'style.css';

Answer №2

It seems like you've found the solution to your question about loading CSS files asynchronously.

1) One option is to utilize the loadCSSPlugin created by Filament Group. You can learn more about how to implement this plugin by checking out this article ().

2) Alternatively, if you prefer not to use the plugin, you could introduce a time delay in your loading function and display a loading icon (Modifying CSS....)

3) Another approach is to load the CSS file using AJAX. Here's a guide on how to do so (http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_ajax_load.asp). Additionally, you can perform post-processing within the success method of the ajax call ().

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