designing various containers and adjusting their divisions

I have a pop-up window that contains the code snippet below, defining a template within a "container":

<form method="post" class="signin" action="#">
    <div id='container'>
            <div id="divFeeTitle"></div>

The div is being populated using a container and for loop:

//loop through JSON object and display properties
for(var index=0; index<LineItem.length; index++){

The Display Title function looks like this:

function DisplayTitle(Object){

The issue arises when there are multiple objects, as the content of divFeeTitle gets replaced by the last object in the list. I need it to display all objects in the order they appear.

Answer ā„–1

It seems like I grasp your problem accurately, perhaps consider utilizing the .append() method rather than .html()

As a result, your DisplayTitle function should appear as follows:

function DisplayTitle(object){



Answer ā„–2

To prevent overwriting of your information, remember to save it beforehand:

let currentData = $('#feeContainer').html();
$('#feeContainer').html(currentData + Object.newTitle);

If necessary, you can include an additional <br>.

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