What is the process for choosing a particular input element based on its size and type?

Among my pair of sets containing input type=text elements, each group is uniquely styled through CSS. In the first set, the length adjusts based on CSS using the width property. Conversely, in the second set, the size attribute determines the length of the input box:

<input type=text name=name value='Jason Bourne'> /*1st set*/
<input type=text name=cardNumber value='4111111111111111' size=19> /*2nd set*/

Can I differentiate the two sets without incorporating a class or id attribute, relying solely on CSS selectors?

To elaborate: the example used a size of 19, but I aim to distinguish between the presence and absence of the size attribute, combined with filtering for the text type attribute.

Answer №2

After being inspired by Dipak's answer, I decided to experiment on Fiddle and I finally found exactly what I needed:

input[type="text"] {
 color: blue;

input[type="text"]:not([size]) {
 width: 200px;
 color: red;

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