Updating Navigation Bar Font

I am a novice in the process of constructing my own navigation bar for my website, and I am encountering difficulties when trying to customize the font (color, font-family, etc).

Currently, the links in my navigation bar (such as home, contact, store, etc) are displayed as default links. I attempted to create a new ID in my style.css file called a.nav {}, but I am unsure how to apply it to my navbar instead of the default a {}.

This is the snippet of code I have in my header.php file:

<nav class="site-nav">
  $args = array(
  'theme_location' => 'primary'

            <?php wp_nav_menu(  $args ); ?>

This is the code from my style.css file:

## Links
a {

a:visited {

a:active {
color: #fff;

a:focus {

a:active {
outline: 0;


/* Links - home.site-nav */
a.nav:link {
font-family: montserrat;
font-weight: 100;
font-style: normal;

a.nav:visited {

a.nav:active {
color: #fff;

a.nav:focus {

a.nav:active {
outline: 0;


I am seeking assistance on how to ensure that my navigation bar utilizes the newly created a.nav class instead of the default a. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

If it were up to me, I would suggest utilizing the following CSS code:

.site-nav a { 

font-size: 15px; 


There's no need to create a new class for this purpose. This CSS should effectively style the links in your menu without requiring any HTML modifications.

Just keep in mind that any changes made to the style.css file may be undone whenever Wordpress or your theme updates, so make sure to maintain a backup copy of your work. (Alternatively, you could consider creating a child theme, but if you're unfamiliar with Wordpress, I'd advise against it).

Answer №2

Modifying the themes directly in the style.css file will be overwritten by future updates of the theme. It is recommended to insert your custom CSS under Customise > Additional CSS.

To understand what takes precedence in CSS, we need to remember these 4 rules (explained further here):

  1. Inline CSS (html style attribute) overrides CSS rules in the style tag and CSS file.
  2. A more specific selector has priority over a less specific one.
  3. Rules that appear later in the code will take precedence over earlier rules if their specificity is the same.
  4. A CSS rule with !important always takes precedence.

To ensure your styles have higher precedence, they should be placed within this block and its variations (hover, active...etc):

nav .site-nav a {

If you still don't see any changes, you can add !important next to the property. For example: color: #fff !important;.

I hope this information is helpful. Best of luck!

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