The whitespace issue stems from the div element __next-build-watcher generated by next js and usecontext

There's a notification bar at the bottom of my page that lets the user know when their email has been sent.

This bar is generated using useContext in React/Next.js. To see the code, check out this Codebox link:


However, I've noticed there is some white space at the bottom of the page near the navigation bar:

Upon further inspection, I realized that the blank space is due to the notification bar appearing like this when an email is sent:

Here's how it looks on the browser:

Any suggestions on how to remove the white space? I've attempted using CSS without success so far.

Answer №1

While this answer may be tardy, it could still prove useful for those who happen upon it:

This element isn't part of the production process; rather, it's only present when utilizing next dev. Its presence doesn't impact how your page is displayed.

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