Issues with iOS 7's absolute positioning not functioning properly within a table-responsive container

I successfully implemented fixing the first two left columns in my tables by following the instructions on . The columns are only fixed when the screen size is less than 768px, making the table scrollable (check it out on jsFiddle). This functionality works perfectly on Android, desktop Chrome, and desktop Safari, but unfortunately does not work on iOS Safari and Chrome. Could this be due to iOS not supporting position:absolute?

If anyone has any alternative implementations or solutions, I would greatly appreciate it as an answer.

Answer №1

After some troubleshooting, I successfully resolved this issue by changing the -webkit-overflow-scrolling property to unset.

It appears that in iOS, the default value for -webkit-overflow-scrolling is touch, which was causing conflicts with the position:absolute I was attempting to implement.

Answer №2

It seems like you're encountering a min-width issue,

A simple solution would be to convert pixels to em units,

Assuming the base size is 16px (the default in all browsers),

Your conversion from PX to Em would be (px)768 / 16 = 48(em)

Try updating the code by changing Px to Em Fiddle 0

If you need to stick with pixels, consider something like this,

@media(max-width:768px !important)

fiddle 1 or

@media(max-width:99%) Fiddle 2

Note: I recommend leaving 1 or 2% buffer(by using 99%) to account for any potential overflow due to padding within the body.

Also, consider adding zoom:1; under the .table-responsive class as it might help with iOS related issues fiddle 3

If these steps don't resolve the problem, feel free to respond...

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