Sprockets could not locate the file for jquery.atwho

I have been attempting to integrate the jquery-atwho-rails into my application, a Rails gem designed for at.js. I have followed all the steps provided, executed bundle install, included the necessary code in both application.js and application.css, stopped and restarted the server. However, I am consistently encountering this error:

couldn't find file 'jquery.atwho'

I am currently stumped on how to resolve this issue. Could someone please assist me with it? Thank you in advance.


gem 'rails', '3.2.13'

... (Gemfile content)


//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
// ...Other required scripts...
//= require jquery.atwho
//= require_tree .


*= require_self
*= require redactor-rails
// ...Other required stylesheets...
*= require jquery.atwho
*= require_tree .

Answer №1

After encountering issues with the gem, I decided to uninstall it and manually include jquery.atwho.js, jquery.atwho.css, and caret.js in my asset files. This simple adjustment resolved all functionality problems.

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