The Sacred Chalice Trio Vertical Stretch Design

Recently, I've been working on creating a three column layout with percentage width. I stumbled upon the concept of the Holy Grail web design through some online articles and resources. To implement this layout, I referred to an example from The Perfect 3 Column Liquid Layout (Percentage widths). I made adjustments to set the left and right columns to 20% width each. However, one issue I encountered was that the layout did not cover 100% of the height as required. Despite trying to use min-height:100% or height:100%, I was unable to achieve the desired result. If you want to take a look at my implementation, check out my jsFiddle.

Answer №1

Check out this unique demo

To ensure full height, simply apply a height of 100% to both the html and body elements:


In addition, make sure the inner three columns also have a height of 100%:

.colleft {

Answer №2

When the height is set to 100% of nothing, the result will always be nothing.

To ensure that child elements can inherit values correctly, it is important to fix the width and height of parent elements in CSS:

html, body, .colmask, .colmid, .colleft
.col1, .col2, .col3 {

CSS stands for Cascaded Style Sheet :) DEMO :

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