Tips for keeping a div fixed at a specific scroll level

Is there a way to keep a specific side div fixed at a particular scroll level, similar to the "How to format" bar on the right side of the Stack Overflow ask question page? You can see it when you try asking a question. How can this be achieved - with CSS or jQuery?

Answer №1

If you're looking for a way to make a sidebar stick to the top of the page when scrolling, here is a simple example that shows you how to do it. By listening to the window onscroll event and checking the value of $(window).scrollTop(), we can determine when to add or remove the .fixed class from our sidebar element. This class will set the CSS property position: fixed, ensuring that the sidebar stays in place as the user scrolls. Feel free to view the working example on jsFiddle.



$(window).scroll(function () {
    var threshold = 100;
    if ($(window).scrollTop() >= 100)


#sidebar {

#sidebar.fixed {


    I'm the header
<div id="container">
    <aside id="sidebar">
        I'm a sidebar
    <section id="content">

Answer №2

   var scrollPos = 220;

Ensure that your div is styled with overflow:auto

Answer №3

Check out this helpful tutorial:

Alternatively, here is some HTML code:


<div id="header">HEADER</div>
<div id="content">
    <div id="left">LEFT</div>
    <div id="right">RIGHT</div>
<div id="footer">FOOTER</div>

And here is the corresponding JavaScript code:

$(function() {
    var $sidebar = $("#right"), 
        $window = $(window),
        rightOffset = $sidebar.offset(),
        rightDelta = $("#footer").offset().top - $("#header").offset().top - $("#header").outerHeight() - $("#right").outerHeight(),
        topPadding = 15;

    $window.scroll(function() {
                marginTop: Math.max(Math.min($window.scrollTop() - + topPadding, rightDelta), 0)


Here is a demo of example 2: demo

You can choose based on your needs. I hope this information helps you.

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