issues with compass importing images

I'm struggling to understand how the directory structure functions. The setup I have is as follows:


When attempting to import my images, I have been using:

@import "frontSprite/*.png";

within my _base.scss. However, this approach is giving me an error, which I suspect is due to not locating the directory accurately. Any recommendations on how to address this issue?

Answer №1

To determine the correct directory structure, it is essential to consider the settings in your config.rb file. The structure should resemble the following:

images_dir = "images"
http_images_path = "/this/path/is/rendered/in/the/css/file"

The variable images_dir specifies the location of the images relative to the config.rb file, while http_images_path specifies the path that will be displayed in the CSS output.

For debugging purposes, you can use the command

compass sprite "images/frontSprite/*.png"
within your compass directory to generate the sprite CSS output and verify the path.

Side note: If you are working with .png files, it is recommended to install oily png as it significantly accelerates the sprite generation process. To install, simply use the command gem install oily_png, and Compass will automatically detect its presence.

Answer №2

For those working with Symfony and assets manipulation

To configure assetic, navigate to the config.yml file and insert the following parameter:

assetic.filter.compass.images_dir: %kernel.root_dir%/../src/App/PlayerBundle/Resources/public/assets/img/

Answer №3

When facing an issue with Compass on Windows, I was able to resolve it by making adjustments to a specific file:


On line 19, the modification was:

-      Dir.glob(File.join(path, "**", glob))
+      Sass::Util.glob(File.join(path, "**", glob))

Additionally, on line 78:

-        files = Dir[File.join(folder, uri)].sort
+        files = Sass::Util.glob(File.join(folder, uri)).sort

After saving these changes, the issue was resolved successfully!

For more information and the original source of this solution, you can visit: Considering this is an older patch, it makes me curious why it hasn't been incorporated into the latest version of Compass.

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