How to temporarily disable CSS hover effects

I have a menu with some links

<ul id="nav">
  <a href="#">Project</a>
   <div class="subs">
       <a id="save_canvas" href="#" class='disabled'>Save to File</a>
          <a id="save_canvas_as" href="#">Save as</a>

The css code for the hover effect is shown below:

#nav li ul ul li a:hover {
  background-color: #0060a6;
  color: #fff;

Is there a way to disable the hover effect for a specific menu item, such as "Save to File"? I attempted to assign it a 'disabled' class with the following styles:

.disabled { 
  filter: alpha(opacity=30); 
  opacity: 0.3;

.disabled a:hover{
   background-color: none !important;   

However, this approach does not seem to work..... Thank you!

Answer №1

For those worried about browser compatibility

#nav li ul ul li a.disabled:hover {
  background-color: *your chosen default color*;
  color:  *your preferred default color*;

Answer №2

To achieve this effect, you can utilize the :not pseudo-class in your CSS:

#navigation li ul ul li a:not(#save_canvas):hover {
    background-color: #0060a6;
    color: #fff;

Check out the demo on Fiddle!

Answer №3

Provide the necessary CSS code to highlight the "save anchor" element in your current layout

Alternatively, you can use the following CSS snippet:

nav li ul ul li a:not(#save_canvas):hover {
  background-color: #0060a6;
  color: #fff;

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