Issues with absolutely positioned slideshows

Currently, I am attempting to design a slideshow using absolute positioning to layer images on top of each other. However, I am encountering a problem where the text below the slideshow is also being stacked on top of the pictures. I have tried enclosing the images in a wrapper div with relative positioning, but this has not resolved the issue. If anyone can identify the problem, I would greatly appreciate some assistance.


<div id="imageDiv">
    <div id="mainImage">
            <img class="imagePositioning" id="slideshowImg1"  src="images/tbrownMain.jpg" alt="Image of Terrell Brown" ></img>
            <img  class="imagePositioning" id="slideshowImg2" src="images/giantsMain.jpg" alt="Image of Giants" ></img>
            <img  class="imagePositioning" id="slideshowImg3"  src="images/kobeMain.jpg" alt="Image of Kobe" ></img>
            <img  class="imagePositioning" id="slideshowImg4"  src="images/nashMain.jpg" alt="Image of Nash" ></img>
            <img class="imagePositioning" id="slideshowImg5" src="images/tebowMain.jpg" alt="Image of Tim Tebow" ></img>
    <div id="contentText">
            <a id="introText">Tim Tebow talks about Aaron Hernandez</a>
            <p id="detailsPar">Tim Tebow...</p>

    <table id="mediaMenu">
        <td class="subMenu">
            <a href="#" onclick="doEverything(0)">
                <tr> <td class="subTitle"> Tebow Talks </td></tr>
                <tr><td><img style="opacity:1.0" id="sub0" src="images/tebow.jpg" alt="Tim Tebow"></img></td></tr> 
//...4 more nested tables in same way


#mainImage {
#imageDiv {
border: 5px solid black;
.imagePositioning  {

#contentText {
#mediaMenu td {
font-family: Chalkduster, Verdana, Sans-serif;

Answer №1

Here are a few key points to consider:

  • Avoid using absolute positioning alongside float, as suggested by @diodeus

  • Make sure to close the #imageDiv tag before the table starts

  • Don't forget to clear the #mediaMenu {clear:both} rule

Explore the demo on JsFiddle:

Answer №2

A unique resolution has been devised. Employing a combination of absolute positioning and percentages to achieve full functionality. Without knowing the precise design you had in mind, I made an educated guess

Kindly provide me with code so that I may furnish a response

Answer №3

Perhaps adjusting the z-index to a lower value for the surrounding div that contains the text could solve the issue. For example, if the div is named contentText, you can try:

#contentText {

If this code doesn't provide the desired outcome, tweaking the z-indices might still be the key solution...

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