Displaying a div based on the response after it is received using an if/else statement

In my form, each question is on a separate page (div), with the ability to show and hide pages. If a user receives a response from the API with a status of "accepted", they are redirected to a URL. I'm currently trying to display a div if their status is "rejected".

The response object looks like this:

{status: "REJECTED", redirectUrl: null, loanID: null, errors: Array(0), rejectReason: "Existing Customer", …}

My current if/else statement is as follows:

if(b.status == "ACCEPTED") {
  window.location = b.redirectURL;
else {
  // need help here

I attempted to use the following method but it did not work:

document.getElementById('page18').style.visibility = "visible"; 

Here is how the end portion of my form is structured:

Page 17 is where users land after hitting submit, and page 18 is the rejection page that should be shown if they receive a rejected response.

<!---PAGE 16 -->

<div id="page17" class="pageform">
  <h3 style="text-align: center;">Thank you for your submission!</h3>
  <h4 style="text-align: center;"> Please wait one moment while we process your application.</h4> <br> <br>
  <div class="loading">Loading…</div>

<!---REJECT PAGE -->

<div id="page18" class="pageform">
  <h3 style="text-align: center;">Sorry, we were unable to fund your request at this time.</h3>

Answer №1

When working with CSS, if you have the following code:

visibility: hidden;

To make a div visible using JavaScript, you can use:

document.getElementById('page18').style.visibility = "visible"; 

However, if you are using the display property in your CSS like this:

display: none;

You will need to use this JavaScript code to show the element:


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