Issue with white spaces in footer content in Chrome browser

Currently in the process of developing a website and encountering a strange bug that only seems to be affecting Chrome. Despite having the latest version of Chrome, it appears to be an issue that was prevalent in older versions (v18 - v20). The problem is this: when the page loads on Chrome, there are white spaces or rectangles at the bottom of the screen instead of displaying the content or footer. However, upon hovering over these areas, the remaining content is loaded. Any suggestions, links, or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

I've attempted to address this by setting the height to auto, but unfortunately, this did not resolve the issue. I also tried loading the page in incognito mode to rule out any extensions causing the problem, but this had no effect either.

One potential solution I am considering is setting an interval to re-trigger the CSS a few milliseconds after the page has loaded, although this is not the most optimal approach and there must be a better way to resolve this.

P.S.: All other browsers are functioning perfectly fine.

Thank you in advance for any assistance provided.

Answer №1

The problem I encountered was related to the fade-in animation that was applied to the entire content of the website. Upon deciding to eliminate this animation in order to improve loading times, the issue was resolved without needing to investigate further.

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