Adjusting CSS using JQuery based on scroll position

I am attempting to dynamically change a CSS style depending on the viewer's position on the page. Despite researching numerous similar threads online, I have not been able to get this code to work as intended. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

The script I was editing can be found here:

Here is my testing page (which is not functioning properly):

Below is the jQuery code that I am trying to implement:

// cache the elements
var $container = $('#container');
var $nav = $('#a.nav');
var $home = $('#home');
var $about = $('#about');
var $work = $('#work');
var $contact = $('#contact');

// get the view area of #container
var top=$(window).scrollTop();
var bottom = top + $container.height();

// execute code when #container is scrolled
$container.scroll(function() {
if ($home.offset().top < bottom) {
} else if ($about.offset().top < bottom) {
} else if ($work.offset().top < bottom) {
} else {

Answer №1

I found a solution that worked well for my issue, even though I'm not sure if it's the most semantically correct.


var container = $('#container');
var nav = $('a.nav');
var home = $('#home');
var about = $('#about');
var work = $('#work');
var contact = $('#contact');

  if ($(window).scrollTop() <= $('#about').offset().top - 360)
  'color': '#2dc9b2',
  'color': '#fff',
  'color': '#fff',
  'color': '#fff',

  else if ($(window).scrollTop() <= $('#about').offset().top * 2 - 360)  {
  'color': '#fff',
  'color': '#e7ad4a',
  'color': '#fff',
  'color': '#fff',

  else if ($(window).scrollTop() <= $('#about').offset().top * 2.9999 - 360) {
  'color': '#fff',
  'color': '#fff',
  'color': '#a22330',
  'color': '#fff',

  else  {

  'color': '#fff',
  'color': '#fff',
  'color': '#fff',
  'color': '#374ad3',

Answer №2

To correct the code snippet var $nav = $('#a.nav');, remove the "#" symbol as "a" is referencing a tag, not an id.

Alternatively, you can use the following code to ensure only links within the navigation are colorized:

$nav = $('#textlinks-container a.nav')

Answer №3

To achieve the desired outcome of changing the color of the anchor tag text through the plugin that applies the 'current' class to the li tag, you will need to address a CSS specificity issue. The existing code on line 81 of your stylesheet, li.current {color:red}, may not be overriding the previously set style for a.nav {color:#fff;}. To resolve this, consider using a more specific selector like li.current a {color:red;}.

By adjusting the specificity of the CSS selector, you can successfully modify the color of the anchor tag text as intended. I hope this explanation clarifies the issue for you.

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