Issue with strange symbols appearing in Safari on Mac

Hey there! I have this website built with and I have a text-box for filling in quantities. Sometimes, I notice this strange icon that looks like a human appearing on the text box. It only seems to show up when using Mac Safari browser. Check out the image attached below.

Any idea what it could be?

Answer №1

The feature being discussed is the autofill functionality, which can be further explored on Apple's support site.

When clicking on a field with specific HTML names like "name", "password", "email", or "phone", an icon and arrow will appear. The icon displayed corresponds to the type of information being filled in - for instance, a human silhouette for personal details like "name" or "email", while a key symbol may represent sensitive data such as passwords or credit card numbers.

This autofill feature can pull information from external sources like Contacts or previously saved data within Safari, including passwords, credit card details, and other form inputs.

Users have the flexibility to enable/disable each section individually, and they can also edit the stored data within Safari's Preferences settings.

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