How to align items at the center in material-ui styling

I have a row of cards inside a container that I want to align in the center with equal spacing around them. I am using the material-ui UI library for the layout. Despite adding the justifyContent: center property, the cards are not evenly spaced.

This is how the current UI appears:

There seems to be extra space on the right side of the last card. The spacing scale reveals this:

Here's the code snippet so far:

const Home = ({ cards }) => {
  return (
    <Container maxWidth="xl">
        { => {
          return (
            <Grid item xs={12} sm={6} md={3}>
              <Card sx={{ maxWidth: 300 }}>
                    alt="green iguana"
                    <Typography gutterBottom variant="h5" component="div">
                    <Typography variant="body2" color="text.secondary">
                  <Button size="small" color="primary">
                    View More

If I remove the container wrapper

<Container maxWidth="xl">
, then the UI looks like this:

I'm not very experienced with MUI, so any help in fixing this issue and achieving the desired layout would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Click here to see a demonstration of how to evenly space your cards using

justifyContent = "space-evenly"
and alignItems = "center".

import * as React from "react";
import Card from "@mui/material/Card";
import CardActions from "@mui/material/CardActions";
import CardContent from "@mui/material/CardContent";
import Button from "@mui/material/Button";
import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography";
import Grid from "@mui/material/Grid";

export default function MediaCard() {
  const cards = [1, 2, 3];
  return (
      { => (
        <Card sx={{ maxWidth: 345 }}>
            <Typography gutterBottom variant="h5" component="div">
            <Typography variant="body2" color="text.secondary">
              Lizards are a widespread group of squamate reptiles, with over
              6,000 species, ranging across all continents except Antarctica
            <Button size="small">Share</Button>
            <Button size="small">Learn More</Button>

Answer №2

If you're looking to achieve this, a little hacky approach can do the trick.

Similar questions have been asked before, and you can find some alternative solutions here and here.

Building on the insights from those discussions, I've put together a sample code here, utilizing a 'hacky' technique with a custom hook that provides window dimensions.

Now, let's dive into the code:

const cards = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// Constants related to card maxWidth
const maxWidth = 300;

// Calculating total Cards Width based on screen size
const totalwidth = maxWidth * cards.length;

// Getting actual screen width
const { width } = useWindowDimensions();

// Checking if screen width is smaller than total cards width
const screenSmallerThanAllCardsWidth = width < totalwidth + 20;// added +20 for safety

The hacky - adding extra (n - 1) filler divs

let divsHacky= [];

  if (screenSmallerThanAllCardsWidth)
    for (var i = 0; i < cards.length - 1; i++) {
            width: maxWidth,
            height: 0

Rendering the component:

<Grid container direction="row" justifyContent="space-around">
      {, index) => (
        <Grid item my={1} key={index}>
          <Card sx={{ maxWidth }}>
              <Typography gutterBottom variant="h5" component="div">Lizard</Typography>
              <Typography variant="body2" color="text.secondary">
                Lizards are a widespread group of squamate reptiles, with over 6,000 species, ranging across all continents except Antarctica
              <Button size="small">Share</Button>
              <Button size="small">Learn More</Button>
     // Render the divsHacky if they exist

The windowDimensions custom hook:

import { useState, useEffect } from "react";

function getWindowDimensions() {
  const { innerWidth: width, innerHeight: height } = window;
  return {

export default function useWindowDimensions() {
  const [windowDimensions, setWindowDimensions] = useState(getWindowDimensions());

  useEffect(() => {
    function handleResize() {

    window.addEventListener("resize", handleResize);
    return () => window.removeEventListener("resize", handleResize);
  }, []);

  return windowDimensions;

Answer №3

Make the following adjustments:

  1. Take out the spacing and justifyContent properties from the Grid container.
  2. If you want spacing, add padding to the Grid items.
  3. The Grid items should use a display of flex with the

Check out a sample on Codesandbox. Borders have been added for better visualization.

Answer №4

It seems like a good idea to wrap each Card in Grid with justifyContent="center" and alignItems="center"

<Grid container direction="row">
  { => (
    <Grid xs={4} item justifyContent="center" alignItems="center">
      <Card sx={{ maxWidth: 345 }}>
          <Typography gutterBottom variant="h5" component="div">
          <Typography variant="body2" color="text.secondary">
            Lizards are a diverse group of reptiles, with over 6,000 species found across all continents except Antarctica
          <Button size="small">Share</Button>
          <Button size="small">Learn More</Button>

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