I want to update the toggle switches within the GridToolbarColumnsButton component from MUI's DataGrid to checkboxes

Currently, I am developing a website where one of the pages has tabular data fetched from the backend. To filter this table, I utilized Mui filters from datagrid({...data}components={{ toolbar: CustomToolbar }}). Among these filters is a GridToolbarColumnsButton filter, which can be seen in the uploaded image here. My goal is to replace the switches with checkboxes. What steps should I take to achieve this?

I attempted inspecting elements and using the following code snippet within datagrid:

    panel: {

      sx: {
        '& .MuiPopper-root': {
          // color: 'red',
          fontSize: 15,

Unfortunately, despite trying to override with this code, I have not been successful.

Answer №1

Currently, there is no direct method to override GridToolbarColumnsButton in Data Grid version v6.13.0.

To achieve the same functionality, I utilized the api reference useGridApiContext, demonstrated below:

Output: enter image description here

(Note: Import statements have been omitted, remember to include them...) CustomPopupCheckboxes:

export default function CustomPopupCheckboxes(props) {
  const apiRef = useGridApiContext();

  const [visibleColumns, setVisibleColumns] = useState([]);
  const [columns, setColumns] = useState(apiRef.current.getVisibleColumns());

  useEffect(() => {

  return (
      onClose={() => props.setOpenColumnsMenu(!props.openColumnsMenu)}
      {columns.map((column) => {
        let isVisible = visibleColumns.filter((x) => x.field == column.field);
        return (
          <div style={column.hideable ? {} : { display: "none" }}>
              checked={isVisible.length != 0 ? true : false}
              onChange={(e) => {


export default function CustomToolbar(props) {
  const [openColumnsMenu, setOpenColumnsMenu] = useState(false);
  const [columnsMenuAnchorEl, setColumnsMenuAnchorEl] = useState(null);

  return (
        display: "inline-block",
        textAlign: "right",
        marginBottom: "10px",
          onClick={(event) => {
          <img src="./Icons/Columns.svg" />
          setOpenColumnsMenu={(value) => setOpenColumnsMenu(value)}

In my particular situation, I needed to create an IconButton that triggers a popup with checkboxes upon clicking.

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