``Is it possible to adjust the style of an HTML element based on the style of another element?

Within my web application, I am dynamically changing the style of an HTML element using JavaScript.

Below is the code snippet:

function layout() {
    if(document.getElementById('sh1').getAttribute('src') == "abc.png") {
    } else {

The corresponding HTML code is:

<img id="sh1" src="abc.png" />

Now, I want to ensure that if the style of the image element is set to display:none, then the following elements:

<p id="Text1">Name<br />description</p>

also have their style changed to display:none. Similarly, if the image element's style is set to display:block, then the above elements' style should also be updated to display:block automatically.

How can this be achieved?

Answer №1

Make sure to include the other element in your function as well. Here is an example of how you can do that:

function updateLayout(){
    if(document.getElementById('sh1').getAttribute('src') == "abc.png"){
    } else {

If you prefer, you can also consider putting both elements in a container and performing operations on the entire container instead =)

Answer №2

Assuming I've interpreted your message correctly, it seems like you're looking for...

function layout(){
  if(document.getElementById('sh1').getAttribute('src') == "abc.png"){
    document.getElementById("Text1").style.display = "none"; //Hiding the description
  } else {
    document.getElementById("Text1").style.display="block"; //Showing the description

If this function is specific to this particular image and description, then it should work well. However, if you are applying this logic to multiple images, there may be a more efficient way to accomplish this with a generic function.

Answer №3

To combine your image and text, my suggestion would be to utilize jQuery to modify the markup. You can wrap the image and text together using this method. For a demonstration, you can refer to the provided link for a working example.

<figure id="sh1" class="picture active">
   <img src="http://placehold.it/100x100&text=abc.png" />
    <figcaption><span class="name">ABC</span><span class="desc">This is a description</span>

<figure id="sh2" class="picture">
   <img src="http://placehold.it/100x100&text=xyz.png" />
    <figcaption><span class="name">XYZ</span><span class="desc">This is a description</span>


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