Issue with JavaScript Variable Not Reflecting Changes in Progress Bar

I'm in the midst of developing a game and have incorporated a progress bar to facilitate the incrementation of certain values on my HTML page. However, once the progress bar hits 100%, it updates the cost and level only once. After that initial update, it fails to refresh the hard drive level regardless of how many times you trigger it. How can I ensure the variable keeps updating?

var money = document.getElementById('cash');
var memory = document.getElementById('ram');
var connection = document.getElementById('internet');
var storage = document.getElementById('harddrive');
var levels = document.getElementById('level');
//virtual store
function levelup(t){
var bar = document.getElementById('lvelprogress');
bar.value = bar.value + t;
t = 0
if(t == 100){
bar.value = 100;
function upgradehd(al) { 
var hdc = document.getElementById('hdc');
var hdl = document.getElementById('hdl');
var hdLevel = 1;
var newStorage = 250;
var timeoutValue = levels * 20;
var newHdc = Math.floor(2.5 * hdc.innerHTML); 
var progressBar = document.getElementById('progressBar');
var statusInfo = document.getElementById('status');
statusInfo.innerHTML = al+"%";
progressBar.value = al;
document.getElementById('lvelprogress').max = 100;
var simulation = setTimeout("upgradehd("+al+")",timeoutValue);
if(al == 100){
var experiencePoints = hdc.innerHTML / 4;
statusInfo.innerHTML = "100%";
hdl.innerHTML = hdLevel + 1;
hdc.innerHTML = newHdc;
storage.innerHTML = newStorage + 50;
statusInfo.innerHTML = al+"%";
progressBar.value = 0;
background-color: #66ff33;
width: 200px;
background-color: black;
color: #66ff33;
width: 200px;
border: 5px solid #cccccc
float: right;
height: 175px;
width: 150px;
background-color: #000;
color: #66ff33;
margin-left: 2px;
text-align: center;
display: inline-block;
<div class="stats">
<p>Level: <span id="level">1</span></p>
<progress style="width:150px;background-color:#66ff33;" id="lvelprogress" value="0" max="100"></progress>
<p>Cash: $<span id="cash">50</span></p>
<p>R.A.M: <span id="ram">100</span>MB</p>
<p>Internet Speed: <span id="internet">25</span>MB/s</p>
<P>Hard Drive: <span id="harddrive" >250</span>GB</P>
<div id="shop" class="shop">
<button class="exit" onclick="hideshop()">X</button>
<p id="uram">Upgrade R.A.M: $<span id="urc">50</span> Level:<span id="url"> 1</span><button style="border:2px solid white;color:#66ff33;background-color:#000;" onclick="upgradehd(0);">Upgrade</button></p>
<p id="uis">Upgrade Internet Speed: $<span  id="isc">200</span> Level:<span id="isl"> 1</span><button style="border:2px solid white;color:#66ff33;background-color:#000;" onclick="upgradehd(0);">Upgrade</button></p>
<p id="uhd">Upgrade Hard Drive: $<span id="hdc">100</span> Level:<span id="hdl"> 1</span><button style="border:2px solid white;color:#66ff33;background-color:#000;" onclick="upgradehd(0);">Upgrade</button></p>
<progress class="upgrade" id="progressBar" value="0" max="100"></progress>
<span id="status"></span>

Answer №1

Make sure to always assign the LevelValue to 1. var levelhd = 1; However, it's important to utilize the current Level from HTML or store it in a var within your JavaScript code.

I've made a modification to the following line:

var levelhd = parseFloat(hdl.innerHTML);

var cash = document.getElementById('cash');
var ram = document.getElementById('ram');
var internet = document.getElementById('internet');
var hd = document.getElementById('harddrive');
var level = document.getElementById('level');
function levelup(t) {
  var bar = document.getElementById('lvelprogress');
  bar.value = bar.value + t;
  t = 0
  if (t == 100) {
    bar.value = 100;

function upgradehd(al) {
  var hdc = document.getElementById('hdc');
  var hdl = document.getElementById('hdl');
  var levelhd = parseFloat(hdl.innerHTML);
  var nhd = 250
  var to = level * 20;
  var nhdc = Math.floor(2.5 * hdc.innerHTML);
  var bar = document.getElementById('progressBar');
  var status = document.getElementById('status');
  status.innerHTML = al + "%";
  bar.value = al;
  document.getElementById('lvelprogress').max = 100;
  var sim = setTimeout("upgradehd(" + al + ")", to);
  if (al == 100) {
    var xp = hdc.innerHTML / 4;
    status.innerHTML = "100%";
    hdl.innerHTML = levelhd + 1;
    hdc.innerHTML = nhdc;
    hd.innerHTML = nhd + 50;
    al = 0;
    status.innerHTML = al + "%";
    bar.value = 0;
.update {
  background-color: #66ff33;
  width: 200px;
.storage {
  background-color: black;
  color: #66ff33;
  width: 200px;
  border: 5px solid #cccccc
.statistics {
  float: right;
  height: 175px;
  width: 150px;
  background-color: #000;
  color: #66ff33;
  margin-left: 2px;
  text-align: center;
  display: inline-block;
<div class="statistics">
  <p>Level: <span id="level">1</span>
  <progress style="width:150px;background-color:#66ff33;" id="lvelprogress" value="0" max="100"></progress>
  <p>Cash: $<span id="cash">50</span>
  <p>R.A.M: <span id="ram">100</span>MB</p>
  <p>Internet Speed: <span id="internet">25</span>MB/s</p>
  <P>Hard Drive: <span id="harddrive">250</span>GB</P>
<div id="storage" class="shop">
  <button class="exit" onclick="hidestorage()">X</button>
  <p id="uram">Upgrade R.A.M: $<span id="urc">50</span> Level:<span id="url"> 1</span>
    <button style="border:2px solid white;color:#66ff33;background-color:#000;" onclick="upgradehd(0);">Upgrade</button>
  <p id="uis">Upgrade Internet Speed: $<span id="isc">200</span> Level:<span id="isl"> 1</span>
    <button style="border:2px solid white;color:#66ff33;background-color:#000;" onclick="upgradehd(0);">Upgrade</button>
  <p id="uhd">Upgrade Hard Drive: $<span id="hdc">100</span> Level:<span id="hdl"> 1</span>
    <button style="border:2px solid white;color:#66ff33;background-color:#000;" onclick="upgradehd(0);">Upgrade</button>
  <progress class="update" id="progressBar" value="0" max="100"></progress>
  <span id="status"></span>

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