Upon hovering, icons for each project name are displayed when `mouseenter` event is triggered

My issue lies with the mouseenter function. I am trying to display icons specific to the project name I hover over, but currently, it displays icons for all projects at once. I want each project hovered over to show me its respective icons

Below is some code: This is .ts

 showIcons(project: Project) {
 this.isIconsVisible = !this.isIconsVisible;

This is in html

 <td (mouseenter)="showIcons()" (mouseleave)="showIcons()">
 <div class ="row" *ngIf="isIconsVisible">
 <div class="fa fa-edit clickable edit-icon" (click)="editProject()">
 <div class="fa fa-pencil clickable fa-fw" 
 <div class="fa fa-trash-o clickable delete-icon" 
 <div class="fa fa-files-o clickable copy-item" 

Answer №1

It seems that the issue lies in using a single variable (isIconsVisible) for all projects. The better approach would be to assign isIconsVisible as a property to each individual project and then manipulate it accordingly.

 <td (mouseenter)="showIcons()" (mouseleave)="showIcons(project)">
    <div class ="row" *ngIf="project.isIconsVisible">
       <div class="fa fa-edit clickable edit-icon" (click)="editProject()">

Take a look at your showIcons function below:

showIcons(project: Project) {
 if(!project.isIconsVisible) {  // This will also check if the property is null 
    project.isIconsVisible = true;
 } else {
    project.isIconsVisible = false;
 // project.isIconsVisible = !this.isIconsVisible;

Alternatively, you can initialize all project.isIconsVisible properties to false initially so you can simply use

project.isIconsVisible = !this.isIconsVisible;

Answer №2

Did you perhaps overlook adding the project in the showIcons function?

<td (mouseenter)="showIcons(project)" (mouseleave)="showIcons(project)">

I'm not very familiar with Angular, though...

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