Issue with Bootstrap 5 grid system, div falling down

I'm having some trouble with my HTML code here.

<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">1</div>
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">2</div>
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">3</div>
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">4</div>
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">5</div>
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">6</div>
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">7</div>

My intention was to have 2 divs displayed side by side, but instead, the second div in the row is dropping down. Could this be due to margins between divs or something else?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

One reason for the issue you're facing could be that the columns are not wrapped within a container and row structure. Here's how it should be done:

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <..... your columns here ....>

By using this structure, you ensure that the Bootstrap columns respond effectively.

When columns are placed next to each other, their backgrounds touch, leading to a seamless color effect. However, you can prevent this using some CSS:

.col-styling {
  height: 100px;
  margin-bottom: 1.5rem;
  background-color: green;
  background-clip: content-box;

Apply this style to each column individually. Take a look at this example:

The background-clip: content-box; property is key here. It ensures that the background doesn't spill behind the padding border, a useful CSS feature.

In a typical Bootstrap setup, you wouldn't assign a background color to a column. Instead, the column acts as a container for content which can have its own background color. When content has margins, the backgrounds won't overlap. Here's an example:

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-6">
      <div class="content-styling">1</div>
    <div class="col-6">
      <div class="content-styling">2</div>
    <div class="col-6">
      <div class="content-styling">3</div>
    <div class="col-6">
      <div class="content-styling">4</div>
    <div class="col-6">
      <div class="content-styling">5</div>
    <div class="col-6">
      <div class="content-styling">6</div>
    <div class="col-6">
      <div class="content-styling">7</div>

Style the content like this:

.content-styling {
  height: 100px;
  margin-bottom: 1.5rem;
  background-color: green;

View the implemented solution here:

Answer №2

When working with columns in Bootstrap, it is important to always enclose them within a row class. The following code should work:

    <div class="row">       
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">1</div>
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">2</div>
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">3</div>
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">4</div>
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">5</div>
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">6</div>
<div style="height: 100px;" class="col-6 bg-success mt-40 d-inline-block">7</div>

Using padding is more efficient than margin. Remember that margin extends the sizing of the container, causing the col-6 class to increase in size and overflow to the next line.

On the other hand, padding is always inset and does not affect the flex sizing implemented by the col class. Try the code below:

    <div class="row">       
<div class="col-6 p-4 ">
    <div class="bg-success inner-box">1</div>
<div class="col-6 p-4 ">
    <div class="bg-success inner-box">2</div>
<div class="col-6 p-4 ">
    <div class="bg-success inner-box">3</div>
<div class="col-6 p-4 ">
    <div class="bg-success inner-box">4</div>
<div class="col-6 p-4 ">
    <div class="bg-success inner-box">5</div>
<div class="col-6 p-4 ">
    <div class="bg-success inner-box">6</div>

    height: 100px;

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