Guide to creating a CSS horizontal line with square elements on either side of a title

I am currently working on how to create a horizontal line with small squares on each side of an h1 title. I have managed to achieve the horizontal line using code from a similar question, but I am struggling to add the square elements to the design.

Below is the current CSS code snippet.

.h1::after {
  display: inline-block;
  content: "";
  border-top: .3rem solid black;
  width: 4rem;
  margin: 0 1rem;
  transform: translateY(-0.3rem);
<h1 class="h1">Products</h1>

Answer №1

Check out this unique combination featuring a vertical gradient and side border.

.h1 {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center; /* horizontal */
  align-items: center; /* vertical */

.h1:after {
  content: '';
  width: 100px;
  height: 10px; /* square height - match widths below */
  margin: 0 10px; /* space against text */
  background: linear-gradient( 
    #fff 0%, #fff 40%, /* top */
    #aaa 40%, #aaa 60%, /* middle - 20% of 10px is 2px */
    #fff 60%, #fff 100% /* bottom */

.h1:before {
  border-right: 10px solid darkorange; /* square width - match height above */

.h1:after {
  border-left: 10px solid darkorange; /* square width - match height above */
<h1 class="h1">Discover</h1>

Answer №2

For this solution, I am going to repurpose an older response and incorporate gradient-filled boxes:

h2 {
  display:table; /* adjusting content width*/
  margin:20px auto; /* centering */
  padding:0 20px; /* managing space between text and line */
  box-shadow:0 0 0 100px red; /* defining line length and color */
  --s:2px; /* setting line thickness*/
    polygon(0 0,100% 0,
        99%     calc(50% - var(--s)/2),
        200vmax calc(50% - var(--s)/2), 
        200vmax calc(50% + var(--s)/2),
        99%     calc(50% + var(--s)/2),
      100% 100%,0 100%,
        1px     calc(50% + var(--s)/2),
       -200vmax calc(50% + var(--s)/2),
       -200vmax calc(50% - var(--s)/2),
        1px     calc(50% - var(--s)/2));
   --g:no-repeat linear-gradient(blue 0 0); /* square color */
   background:var(--g) left,var(--g) right;
   background-size: 10px 10px; /* size of the sqaure*/

body {
  background: pink;

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