issue with arranging content in a two-column layout with headers

Currently working on my first website and running into some CSS issues. I'm aiming for a two-column + header layout that fills the entire screen space of the website.

I have the following specifications in mind:

  • Header takes up 20% of the screen height
  • Left column at 20% width of the screen & 80% height of the screen (the remaining free space)
  • Right column at 80% width of the screen & 80% height of the screen (the remaining free space)

I also want to make sure that the divs do not overlap each other. Not entirely sure if this is achievable using % for width and height, but I'm hopeful :). Would greatly appreciate any help with this. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Utilizing a dynamic height for a header may not be the standard approach, but if this is your preference, you can implement it as follows:

<div id="header">
<div id="content">
   <div id="left">
   <div id="right">

Additionally, apply the accompanying CSS:

html, body {
   height:100%; /* crucial for certain browsers */
#header {
#content {
#left {
#right {

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