Determining the window height using jQuery when overflow is set to hidden

I've built a full screen web application that I don't want to scroll, so I used this code:

$("body").css("overflow", "hidden");

However, after adding a resize listener:

    console.log("Inner height: " + $(window).innerHeight());
    console.log("Height: " + $(window).height());
    console.log("Document: " + $(document).height());
    console.log("Body: " + $("body").height());

The issue is that the reported height only increases when I make the window taller. When I try to make it smaller, the reported height remains incorrect - increasing slightly instead of decreasing. The content consists of an html <video> element that occupies the entire window space upon loading.

I have come across information stating that the height() function may not work properly with overflow: hidden, but couldn't find a clear explanation as to why. Any suggestions on how I can obtain the correct height measurement? Thank you!

Answer №1

experiment with this suggestion

body,html {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

Answer №2

To achieve optimal results, consider placing all your content within a div tag and applying the CSS property overflow-x: hidden;

Next, utilize JavaScript to manipulate the vertical scrolling behavior as needed.

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