Is there a way to showcase English and CJK text vertically with CSS?

This particular issue was first discussed 14 years ago on Stack Overflow, but a definitive solution still remains elusive.

My goal is to have both CJK and Latin characters displayed vertically, with their bottoms facing the right side.

While writing-mode: sideways-rl achieves the desired result in Firefox, it remains unsupported by other browsers as of 2023 (

Several suggestions have been made to use vertical-rl along with text flipping techniques like scale(-1) or rotate(180deg). While this method works for Latin characters, CJK text ends up being displayed upside-down.

writing-mode: vertical-rl
transform: rotate(180deg)

I also attempted rotating the entire horizontal text container -90°, but encountered alignment and rendering issues due to HTML computations occurring before the transform property. Workarounds such as margin: -100px; padding: 100px proved cumbersome and often led to further problems like misaligned pointer hitboxes.

Answer №1

It is recommended to keep CJK characters upright instead of rotating them, as they can be read in both directions naturally. However, if needed, you can utilize text-orientation: sideways to force the rotation, a property that is widely supported by most browsers.

(Please note that using text-orientation: sideways rotates the text 90 degrees clockwise, so combining it with transform: rotate(180deg) is required to flip the text.)

.verticalbox {
  writing-mode: vertical-rl;
  text-orientation: sideways;
  transform: rotate(180deg)
<div class="verticalbox">
  Oct 28 星期六

Keep in mind that while dealing with multiple lines written in LR direction, replacing it with RL and applying the rotation(180deg) is necessary, as explained in this W3C article:

It's important to note that using this property-value pair with writing-mode: vertical-lr results in a different layout compared to using writing-mode: sideways-lr since the text starts at the block's top and glyphs are positioned on their right side. Additionally, when a line breaks, lines progress in the opposite direction from the usual flow, with later lines visually appearing to the right (above) earlier ones.

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