Is there a way to quickly toggle between CSS properties in the Styles tab of Chrome Devtools/Inspector using a keyboard shortcut?

While I typically rely on Firefox and Firebug for CSS testing and tweaking, I am now trying to transition to Chrome. One issue that is really frustrating me is that in Chrome, changing a CSS property seems to require clicking on it, deleting the current value, and manually inputting the correct value.

With Firebug, all you have to do is click on a property and use the up/down arrows to cycle through the valid options for that rule. For example, when adjusting justify-content, simply pressing up or down would toggle between center, start, end, right, etc. In Chrome, I constantly find myself having to reference syntax, which is becoming quite time-consuming. This feature seems to work fine with new rules but not with existing ones, from what I can tell.

Is there a keyboard shortcut available in Chrome to switch between valid properties within an existing CSS rule on the Styles tab?

Answer №1

Pressing Ctrl-Space is the shortcut to use. While it may not be as fast as the updated rule / Firebug method of up/down, it does get the job done.

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