Breakpoint for mobile menu in FoundationCSS

When the browser is resized, the mobile menu appears at 568x320, which is the default breakpoint.

I would like to create a breakpoint around 900px to address the issue with the menu being too large as shown in the image below. However, I am unsure of how to do this despite spending 5 hours trying. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Link to Fiddle. Thank you.

<nav class="top-bar" data-topbar role="navigation">
    <ul class="title-area">
        <li class="name">
            <h1><a href="#">My Site</a></h1>

        <!-- Remove the class "menu-icon" to get rid of menu icon. Take out "Menu" to just have icon alone -->
        <li class="toggle-topbar menu-icon"><a href="#"><span>Menu</span></a>

    <section class="top-bar-section">
        <!-- Right Nav Section -->
        <ul class="right">
            <li class="has-dropdown"> <a href="#">Right Button Dropdown</a>

                <ul class="dropdown">
                    <li><a href="#">First link in dropdown</a>

                    <li class="active"><a href="#">Active link in dropdown</a>


Answer №1

After struggling to find a solution in .scss when I needed something for plain .css, I finally came up with this:

@media only screen and (max-width: 64.063em) { {
        font-family: "/only screen and (min-width:64.063em)/";
        width: 64.063em;

    .top-bar {
      overflow: hidden;
      height: 2.8125rem;
      line-height: 2.8125rem;
      position: relative;
      background: #333;
      margin-bottom: 0;

    .top-bar-section {
      left: 0;
      position: relative;
      width: auto;
      transition: left 300ms ease-out;
    // Other styles omitted for brevity...


This modification addressed my specific concern about the breakpoint adjustment. I wanted to ensure that on smaller and medium-sized devices, the hamburger icon would be displayed at max-width: 64.063em, while larger screens would continue to show the regular navigation menu.

If you're facing a similar issue, feel free to check out the fiddle showcasing the updated code:

Answer №2

Are you considering replacing your menu across all screens with a right-hand dropdown, or do you only want to remove it for specific screen widths? I'm assuming the latter, and that's what this example addresses.

Depending on your defined breakpoints, you can set up a secondary navigation menu for medium screens and utilize visibility classes to display the dropdown menu for screen sizes ranging from 900px to 1024px.

If you find yourself needing to tweak or establish new breakpoints, check out this helpful information.

An implementation may resemble something like this: Fiddle

<nav class="top-bar" data-topbar role="navigation">
    <ul class="title-area">
        <li class="name">
             <h1><a href="#">My Site</a></h1>

        <!-- Remove the class "menu-icon" to get rid of menu icon. Take out "Menu" to just have icon alone -->
        <li class="toggle-topbar menu-icon"><a href="#"><span>Menu</span></a>

    <section class="top-bar-section">
        <!-- Right Nav Section -->
        <ul class="right show-for-medium-only">
            <li class="has-dropdown"> <a href="#">Right Button Dropdown</a>

                <ul class="dropdown">
                    <li><a href="#">First link in dropdown</a>

                    <li class="active"><a href="#">Active link in dropdown</a>

        <ul class="right show-for-large-only">
            <li><a href="#">First link in dropdown</a></li>
            <li class="active"><a href="#">Active link in dropdown</a></li>

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