Tips for shifting a div to the left with AngularJS

I am working with a div structure that looks like the following:

<div class="col-xs-1 scroll-button"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> </div>
<div class="customer-ust-bant col-xs-22" id="letters">
    <box ng-repeat="lt in alph" name="{{lt}}" id="{{lt}}"></box>
<div class="col-xs-1 scroll-button" ng-click="gotoBottom()"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></i> </div>

Also, here is the template for the box:

<div class="alphabet-kutu">{{name|uppercase}}</div>

And the corresponding directive:

app.directive("box", function() {
return {
    link:function(scope,elem,attrs,ctrl) {


My goal is to display letters of the alphabet inside a horizontal scrolling div.

However, I'm facing an issue when trying to scroll this div to the left upon button click.

 $scope.gotoBottom = function (){
var element = angular.element( document.querySelector( '#letters' ) );
    element.animate({scrollLeft: element.offset().left}, "slow");


I have attempted using animate and scrollLeft functions but with no success. Is there any AngularJS-specific method that can help me achieve this? How can I effectively scroll a div to the left using jQuery?

Answer №1

Perhaps considering a different value for scrollLeft would be beneficial in this scenario. The current code attempts to scroll the element to its already existing location, resulting in no movement. An alternative approach could be:

element.animate({scrollLeft: element.offset().left - 50}, "slow");

Reminder: jQuery must be included for this functionality to work correctly. The limited version of jQuery within angularJS may not fully support the animate function.

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