Is there a way to make the X-editable datepicker appear next to the date field rather than in the same spot every time?

When utilizing X-editable, I encountered a problem where specifying the datepicker field mode as "popup" results in the popup displaying correctly. However, when dealing with a long table (either vertically or horizontally), the position of the date/datetime picker popover becomes an issue. It consistently pops up at a fixed location on the page (top left).

For instance, if there are 50 records and I click on one towards the end of the list to trigger the date picker, the popover might appear off-screen. In such cases, I have to scroll all the way back to the top of the table just to see it.

The situation worsens when working with tables that extend far to the right on smaller screens. To view the opened popover, you would need to scroll all the way back to the left. This behavior might lead to confusion and make it seem like the script is malfunctioning.

Here is how I have defined it - could I be missing something here? Or is it perhaps related to CSS?

    type: 'datetime',
    url: 'post.php',
    format : 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii',
    viewformat : 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii',
    inputclass : "datepick",
    emptytext: '...',
    datetimepicker : {
        weekStart : 1

Answer №1

Indeed, there is a longstanding issue with tooltip and popup positioning.

Here is a helpful trick you can try:

    type: 'datetime',
    url: 'post.php',
    format : 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii',
    viewformat : 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii',
    inputclass : "datepick",
    placement: function (context, source) {
      var popupWidth = 336;
      if(($(window).scrollLeft() + popupWidth) > $(source).offset().left){
        return "right";
      } else {
        return "left";
    emptytext: '...',
    datetimepicker : {
      weekStart : 1

Feel free to check out a working example here:

Answer №2

Issue Explanation

To clarify, it seems that you are dealing with a lengthy table filled with fields that users need to complete (similar to this demonstration page). As you scroll through this table and click on a field, the corresponding pop-up appears far above on the page. Is my understanding correct so far? If it is...

I have examined how X-editable generates these pop-ups. The primary method it utilizes is as follows:

  • It creates a div (the primary container) and attaches it right after the node that triggers the pop-up.
  • This div uses an absolute position with specified top and left values.
  • The values for top and left are calculated by a recursive function that adds the offsetX and offsetY of its parent elements recursively.

This approach of displaying a pop-up div is quite common and functions effectively in all scenarios.

Possible Reasons for this Issue

Where might the problem lie?

  • Library Codes: It seems unlikely that the bug resides in the X-editable codes, as I modified the HTML codes in the demo page using Firefox Developer Tools and changed the row heights to a significantly large number (1000px), yet the pop-ups continued to appear in their correct positions.

  • Your Custom Codes: This is the more probable culprit. I observed that this library employs several class names for its main pop-up div, such as popover, editable-container, editable-popup, fade, in, and right. These names could potentially clash with your own defined classes and result in unexpected behavior in the pop-ups, such as overriding the absolute position with a relative one. Therefore, ensure that your CSS class names differ from those set by X-editable.

I am unable to provide more specific guidance without reviewing your HTML codes. If my insights did not address your issue, please furnish additional information about the problem at hand.

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